Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science

Master Degree in Computer Science

Final Thesis

DTA: a Method for Designing Gamified Software

Machine learning

Bayesian decision theory, bayesian networks (Hugin-Lite), discriminative learning: linear discriminant functions, support vector machines, kernels for vectorial and structured data, machine learning libraries (scikit-learn), neural networks, deep architecture libraries (tensorflow).

Web architectures

Web-based distributed systems architectures: problems and solutions, introduction to the XML world (including XSL), Java technologies for the dynamic web: Servlets, Java Server Pages, JDBC, JNDI, Java RMI, Enterprise Java Beans, application servers, object-relational mapping, transactions.

Spatial databases

From Planimetry to Graph - A First Step Towards the Implementation of an Efficient AED Program

Models of spatial data, languages for querying spatial databases, algorithms for spatial operations, use of the open-source GIS system GRASS.


Mutual exclusion, wait-free and lock-free synchronization, concurrent data structures and their correctness.

Introduction to service design and engineering

The Virtual Lifestyle Coach

Use of modern service middleware as well as the design, implementation and live deployment of individual services and composed service-oriented architectures (SOA), focusing on REST and SOAP architectures and all their components.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Learning Methods

Basics concepts in economic and social science, alternative perspectives on innovation and entrepreneurship and critical views, the role of the scientist and of the entrepreneur in the innovation process.

Research Project

Video Games as Learning Tools - Design Principles for Serious Games

Data mining

Four different ways to predict reviews' rating through text analysis

Process of analyzing large amounts of data, and discovering new, non-obvious knowledge among these data, basic data mining techniques, such as association rules, sequential patterns, clustering, and classification, their strong and weak points.

Big data and social networks

A personal recommender system based on an unweighted graph

Modern technologies to store, process and analyze the huge volumes of the various forms of data that we are producing daily, special focus is made on data produced by social media and various techniques for analyzing them.

Privacy and Intellectual Property Rights

Richard Stallman, the GNU Project and the origins of the Free Software Movement

Introduction to the basic principles of privacy and intellectual property, taking into account both legal and technological issues.

Technical Writing

Extend knowledge of grammatical, lexical and textual features of written academic English in a scientific context, focusing on three different text types: user guides, critical review, problem-solution text.

Computability and computational complexity

Study of computability (what can be computed) and complexity (efficiency of computation), complexity includes an abstract model for computation, and decision problems (halting problem), computability studies the various time and space complexity classes, reductions between classes and the fundamental theorems.