Introduction to service design and engineering

The Virtual Lifestyle Coach

The project topic is to develop an application composed by a set of web-services which will track the users physical activities and will allow some other operation related to them and the user lifestyle in general.

Since already exist a large number of web services and applications that allow users to track in details their activity, we move the topic forward thinking on how to persuade the users in order to make more activities, basing our algorithms on the users' activity and lifestyle and some external information.

"Motivational coach" then, generates sentences and advices that would entice the user to do more physical activity. The calculation is based on real-time data monitoring.

The application is composed by two different system logics, one used in order to generate the motivational sentences based on users and external conditions while the other one is in charge to change the goals of the users drawing on the progress or the difficulties encountered by him/her.

Source code and full description


Process Centric Services: ProcessCentricServiceGoal and ProcessCentricServiceSentence

Business Logic Services: BusinessLogicServiceGoal and BusinessLogicServiceSentence

Storage Services: StorageServiceWeather, StorageServiceSport, StorageServiceFitbit, StorageServiceBmi and StorageServicePerson

Local Database Service: LocalDatabaseService

Adapter Service: AdapterService