Requirements Enginnering
Master's Programme: Software Engineering and Technology
System Requirements Specification
This is a software requirement specification document for the Meetify system.
Meetify is serving people to plan and attend different events regardless of time and place. It connects new people with different experiences. The users of this software are people who would like to attend events and meet new people, and people who organize events for variety of purposes.
This event planning product is called Meetify. This product will help people from different parts of world meet at a single event, by allowing users to organize and create events other users can attend. The software product will not organize events by itself.
The objective of this system is to connect event planners with event attendees. The software product shall have two types of users. These are administrators and users. The administrators are responsible for managing the product by deleting fake events, banning users and monitoring reports of misuse. The event planner user can create events and the event attendee users shall register to sign up for events.
The main goal of the software product is to provide electronic based event planning and registering for people in a seek of events and event organizing.