Distributed Systems

Master's Programme: Computer Systems and Networks

Simple Distributed Blackboard

A program that runs on several machines, clients post to any server using a web browser, store all received data, propagate the newly received data: to all the other boards and in a peer-to-peer manner.

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Distributed Blackboard - Centralized communication version

Each post is sent to the leader which distributes it to the network. The leader should be able to handle correctly multiple posts from different nodes.

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Eventually Consistent Blackboard

All replicas eventually converge to the same value, a protocol for eventual consistency: writes are eventually applied in total order (same order on all replicas, lead to the same value, eventual consistency) and reads might not see most recent writes in total order.

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Byzantine Agreement

N vessels, each general controls one vessel, for each general (vessel): decide on a profile "honest" or "Byzantine", for honest generals decide on a vote "attack" or "retreat", start the Byzantine agreement algorithm on all generals, through a webpage interface. When the algorithm ends, the result and result vector should appear on each webpage (upon refresh): honest generals should agree on the same votes among them, it is not required any agreement for the Byzantine generals.

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